
How to Be Born in North Dakota in BitLife

How to complete the Honey Honey Challenge in BitLife

The new weekly challenge is live this weekend, and things are really heating up! So take a break from that summer heat and try out this new gameplay feature with us. The challenges stick around for a few days, so you have time to get them done.  And with our guides, you won’t be lost for what to do. This challenge is pretty simple, but has some potentially confusing steps baked in. You’re going to be working with a lot of very sweet creatures, in a way, so let’s get to work! The challenge has a few very specific steps you need to complete, and some are easier than others. For the first part, though, you need to born in North Dakota in BitLife. Keep reading to learn how.

How to Be Born in North Dakota in BitLife

When you choose a city to be born in, you’re going to need to know a bit about geography of the country you’re going into. Each state in the USA has a city that shows up in game, so you just need to pick the right one to be born in North Dakota. Being a bit of an out-of-the-way state, it’s OK if you don’t know this. When you create a new character in BitLife, choose the United States as your starting country and Fargo as the city. That is all you need to do, then you can continue with the challenge.

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Keep in mind that the Custom Cities option in character creation won’t work for challenges, you need to pick Fargo to get credit.

And just in case you need a refresher, here are the steps you need to finish to complete the Honey Honey Challenge in BitLife:

  • Be born a female in North Dakota
  • Become a Beekeeper
  • Hookup with three people while working as a beekeeper
  • Have a baby with only one of the hookups
  • Emigrate to Greece after giving birth
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ISKMogul is a growing video game publication that got its start covering EVE Online, and has since expanded to cover a large number of topics and niches within the purview of gaming.