General Gaming News

The Division 2 has a massive 100GB day one patch

The Division 2

Ahead of the launch of Ubisoft’s new shooter, it’s been revealed that the game is getting a positively huge day one patch. According to a new update from Ubisoft’s support page, PS4 players of The Division 2 that purchase a physical copy of the game will need to download a huge “Title Update 1” patch.

The announcement also detailed the size of this patch, and it’s not even remotely small. The Title 1 Update for the game on PS4 clocks in at around 88-92 GB in size. Something curious about this is that download size only applies to the PS4 versions. PC and Xbox One versions of The Division 2 are also getting a patch, but it’s much smaller in comparison.

Here are the details from Ubi:

Xbox One and PC:

– If you purchased a physical copy of the game, begin by installing the game. You will then be prompted to download and install Title Update 1; expect a 48-52 GB download, depending on your region and preferred language. Whether you installed the game from a disc or bought it digitally, the final HDD install size, including the patch, will be 48-52 GB.
 If you purchased a physical copy of the game, begin installing from the disc. Provided you are online, your console will simultaneously download Title Update 1 while you install it. Expect a 88-92 GB download, depending on your region and preferred language. Whether installed from a disc or downloaded digitally, the final HDD install size will be between 88-92 GB.

As space exists at a premium for many gamers, especially those on consoles, this is somewhat unwelcome news. And that’s to say nothing of the insane lengths many gamers will have to wait just to download such a behemoth patch. Broadband saturation in the US is still incredibly low compared to other industrialized nations, with the US ranking 20th in broadband speed averages globally. All of this means that gamers will be waiting hours if not days to download this patch, which isn’t exactly appealing to many. Although I suppose if you’re really committed to playing The Division 2 this won’t stop you. But if you’re in a rural area or you don’t have the HDD space to dedicate such a large amount to one game, this may put a damper on your purchase decision for the game.

Both PS4 and Xbox One have a standby feature which will allow the consoles to enter low-power modes and continue downloading. And with a minimum of a 50 GB patch incoming, most people will likely be taking advantage of that feature when the game drops this month.

In other news, Ubisoft also plans to releases a comparatively tiny 2 GB patch with Title Update 1.5, aimed primarily at fixing audio and performance issues. This will launch as part of the preload period on March 11th.

The Division 2 releases March 15 for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

Source: Ubisoft

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