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When is the Pokémon Unite Release Date?

Pokémon Unite Map

The new chapter of the Pokémon games is about to land on the Switch. The Pokémon Unite release date has been revealed by Nintendo and The Pokémon Company. And it’s coming quite soon indeed. Better make sure you have that Switch ready to go.

The Pokémon Company and TiMi Studio Group have announced that Pokémon MOBA Pokémon Unite will launch on Nintendo Switch on July 21. The game comes to use from the minds of Tencent and The Pokémon Company and will launch on both Switch and various mobile devices. This is sure to be big in various Asian markets as mobile and Switch platforms have exploded in popularity there.

The core of the gameplay involves teams of five players exploring and hunting Pokémon to score points. These teams start on opposing sides of the same course, and whoever scores the most points, wins.

As it’s a MOBA, that means we’re getting the first real foray into Free-to-Play games for the franchise. That means there will be things like login rewards to collect. And to incentivize those launch player numbers the team is giving stuff away. Those who log into the game before August 31 will also get a Unite license for the electric-mythical Pokémon Zeraora. That’s one of the title legendaries for this game, which is great for Trainers.

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Bad news for Switch owners though, as cross-play via Nintendo accounts won’t be enabled until after launch. So Switch owners wanting to hop over and play with both fanbases will have to wait until September when that feature is added.

Check out the trailer revealing the Pokémon Unite release date down below.

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