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Warframe Devstream #137 Recap

Warframe Empyrean 27.0.9 Patch Notes

Digital Extremes held it’s recent Devstream this weekend, teasing players with the updates headed for the online shooter. With the highly successful launch of the Empyrean expansion, players have been hungry for more spacey content. The new Railjack spaceship and related missions are a blast, but of course players of this already ludicrously deep game want more.

The biggest changes coming as part of ongoing development are reworks to some areas of the Railjack and its related mechanics. Boarding and taking Railjacks within the system will be a bit easier, as corridors are being widened and other map areas are being reworked.

The company also teased minor content updates in other areas as well. There’s a new weapon that’s based on Radiation damge coming. Three new Kuva weapons will also be added, each with their own styles and strengths. These are the Kuva Nukor, the Kuva Hind, and the Kuva Brama. These weapons will be able to be combined to boost their power as well. And speaking of Kuva, Kuva Liches will be getting some changes next week. For the biggest change, Kuva Liches no longer kill you if you fail their related missions, instead choosing to run away.

Another minor tweak revolves around the existing pet system. The Stasis mechanics in that are going away entirely for one thing, as players will be getting more options too. Breeding will become a deeper system, with an expansion of the traits and hereditary systems being put in place. Players can expect the pet changes to come to the game in March.

Watch the full devstream down below if you want more details.

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