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Super Smash Bros. teases Fighter Pass 2

Super Smash Bros Ultimate has 100+ Stages

Nintendo has announced that Season 2 of post-launch content for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is coming soon. Nintendo revealed the new DLC expansion during a Smash-focused Direct broadcast this week, teasing six new fighters. Fans are sure to be excited over the prospect, so let’s dig in. Fighter Pass 2 of course headlines with new fighters. These fighters are likely to both be a mix of mainline entries, as well as Spirit support fighters.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate has already introduced dozens of fighting characters and Spirits to it’s roster as part of the launch. It’s the biggest roster the franchise has ever had, and it has only grown with time. Fighters Pass 2 will be available for pre-order on Jan. 28, the same day Byleth is added to the game. There is no official price point for the expansion yet, but it will likely be around $29.99 since the original Fighters Pass was five characters for $24.99.

The new fighting game on Switch also includes dozens of chaotic stages. And yes, fans were happy to find that many had their own quirks and gimmicks to exploit. Of course these got meme’d into oblivion over which stages would end up banned in competitive play due to broken or unbalanced mechanics. All in all, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is arguably one of the best games on the Switch platform.

There’s even a wonderfully done singleplayer campaign to ease newer entrants into the franchise by taking on AI opponents.

The addition of new blood into the arena should help shake up the competitive meta-game as well, something professional players love. Expect new tier lists to shake out of the community as Fighter Pass 2 comes of age. Nintendo has been quoted as saying all six of these new fighters will out and in the game by Dec. 21, 2021.

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