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Project Slayers Private Server Codes (January 2023)

All Newest Project Slayers Codes

Project Slayers works a bit different than some other Roblox games. Being an action game it has a ton of worlds to explore, but only so many servers exist to hold players. And as the game gets more popular, more servers need to come online to handle the load. So the developers have opted for private servers that can separate the player numbers out in different groups. Each version of the game running on these servers is a different version of the same core game.

Players will often bring online versions of the game as private servers, and then open them up to the public. There are also VIP servers, which unfortunately cost Robux to open and maintain. So most players choose to join private servers if they want to game with their pals in a more controlled version of the game.

You can use this guide to learn all the current and former  Project Slayers private server codes. We will try to keep the guide updated with new codes as they come out. Below you will find a complete list of active server codes for Project Slayers. There’s also a list of all the former codes. Although codes do expire and stop working, so be quick about using them.

Bookmark this page by pressing CTRL+D on your keyboard, and check back daily for new updates. Want more free Roblox items? Check out our list of various codes. You can get codes for Box Simulator if you enjoy smashing things. If you like anime, you could try out A One Piece Game codes. Those of you who enjoy a more spooky experience might want to check out Murder Mystery 3 codes. Hunting for gems? Check out our Mining Empire codes as well.

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Current Project Slayers Private Server Working Codes

  • There are currently no active codes at this time.

Previous Project Slayers Privater Server Codes

  • WHASZjhX
  • Uba58g1j
  • 24335491
  • 6ay0PaP0
  • 4126i0OV
  • 397UF6ci

How to use Project Slayers Private Server Codes

The confirmation process for entering Project Slayers Private Server codes is a bit different for each server. Here is a basic overview of the steps.

  1. Open up Project Slayers on your device.
  2. Click on the home screen and select the button to play or customize your character.
  3. Look for the Private Servers tab on the right-hand side of the screen.
  4. Enter the private server code above and hit Join Server.
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