
How To Use Combat Items In Darkest Dungeon 2

Darkest Dungeon 2 Guides

The combat items In Darkest Dungeon 2 are a special class of item that can really save your bacon. These can be healing items, special damage buffs, and other useful stuff. Status effects like bleeding and poison can be pretty lethal, so it’s a good idea to use these items to heal that stuff.

Each character holds Combat items on their person, here’s how to use them. The trick is, you need to equip them ahead of time. This makes for another strategic layer in the game. Not only do you need to find upgrades and new gear while planning out your exploration, but you have to make guesses at what kind of threats you will face.

The game has a fair amount of randomization, so gamers will face different threats, but game experience can help you out in Darkest Dungeon 2. You will come to know what kinds of threats can spawn in what locations, with time.

Each character can only hold one, so be sure to plan ahead and check character inventories before you venture out. Here’s how to equip combat items In Darkest Dungeon 2:

  • Open inventory and select the relevant character inventory
  • Go to Combat Skills
  • Select the item you wish to use.
  • Drag item to an empty slot
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The game makes it a very difficult choice to decide what items to buy and use. With all of the locations that randomly spawn in the game’s runs to the Inn, players have a lot of choices to make. As just one example, you might have to stop by the Field Hospital to heal up and grab some new items. It’s also a very good idea to get some inventory slot upgrades when you can.

Darkest Dungeon 2 is available now in Early Access on PC.

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