Digital Extremes has announced that they’re planning on dropping the next Operation event for the PC. Digital Extremes held another Warframe Dev Stream today that teased the coming arrival of a new event, Operation Scalet Spear. The PC release date is unclear but slated for Early March. The new content will arrive on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch a few weeks after that.
Tenno will be taking on a new set of missions involving the Railjacks and your crew that you have been zipping around space with. some bug fixes are headed to Railjacks, as well some specific gameplay changes. This event will tie into the Railjacks introduced in Rising Tide by introducing new enemies in the form of the Sentients, a new alien menace that will prompt the Tenno to break out the big guns.
And by big guns, I mean developer Digital Extremes pushing many changes to core gameplay loops in the coming weeks. Digital Extremes will be using Operation Scarlet Spear as a testbed of sorts to alter multiple elements of game balance, focusing on both Warframes and weapons. Operation: Scarlet Spear will not only introduce a new weapon class, but also new gear for some Warframes. There are also some balance changes coming to Vauban and other frames.
Some specific gameplay changes of note will have a profound impact on Warframe as a whole. Changes to enemy accuracy and damage are also being made, like making the tendency of AI aimbots a little less obvious by introducing a stricter cap. Excavation missions will be more difficult with the introduction of proper scaling of shields and life. Self-damage is also being removed and replaced with stagger. The new system makes it impossible to take yourself out with your own abilities. Weapons that make use of this new system are getting a 20% damage buff as well.
If you would like to learn more about this new content, check out the full dev stream down below. Those interested in the full details can find the nitty gritty on the Warframe forums.