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Warframe reveals Nightwave Week 7 Quests

Nightwave Week 7

Nightwave, the latest themed content block for Warframe, has been out for a couple of months now, and a bunch of new players are looking for guidance on what to do to earn those fancy rewards. It’s simple, complete quests attached to the content. The easiest way to do this is to simply push for completing each set of weekly event quests, and with the new week, comes a new bundle of tasks. This marks week 7, and we’ve got a new batch of both normal and Elite quests in this rotation.

The New Quests

Probably the easiest quest this week. Plains of Eidolon is your best bet for this. Go in solo so you can do this efficiently, just mark any cave you find on your map and head there. Just move from cave to cave, using your drill to mine ore, until you get 6 of the pieces you need.

This one is a bit more challenging as you actually have to engage in combat, but it’s still very easy. Head to a decent area and just farm out three very quick runs. Just focus on killing mobs and not on exploring or picking up loot spawns unless you really want to. A speedy frame works great here.

A slight twist on the previous set, but still a relatively easy run to complete. A good tip here is to use Ember as your frame of choice if you have it. The World on Fire ability will allow you to damage enemies as you run by, just dash for the needed points and be quick to kill enemies before they sound the alarm to make your trek easier. If you want to use a stealthy frame, that’s also an option.

This next one is a bit of a big ask for newer players. You must first complete the ‘The Second Dream’ questline. I won’t spoil this amazing questline, but you really want to do it ASAP. Mostly because it’s the first gateway to the real grind of Warframe. A big part of that grind is Kuva and the related missions.

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To find such a mission you first need to find the Kuva Fortress on your star map and then head onto a planet that is currently close to the rotating tileset. Click on that planet, find a node with the special Kuva Siphon mission and start it. It’s a pretty basic defense missions, but since it’s tuned for more experienced players, expect some tougher enemies. Make sure to focus on the red Kuva clouds before they reach the Siphon though, as they’re pretty dangerous.

This is a bit more challenging, but not too much so. Head into any Fissure mission, open the relic and repeat it three times.  You might either want to use the relics you are already going to open to speed up the farming.

Elite Quests

This one is pretty easy for experienced players, simply head to Eidolon and hunt down the target. That means taking down three total rounds of the Hydrolyst Hunt. Newer players will want to look for a newbie-friendly group if they’ve never run the quest before, as the mechanics are a bit iffy for new Warframe fans. You’ll see plenty of newbie groups doing these runs in recruitment chat this week.

A simple one for any hardcore farmer, killing 1.500 enemies shouldn’t be hard. Just grind through the missions and keep playing like you normally would. If you are looking for the best mission type to quickly kill a lot of enemies, we recommend Sanctuary Onslaught and Elite Sanctuary Onslaught.


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