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New Fast & Furious Crossroads gameplay trailer looks pretty rough

New Fast & Furious Crossroads gameplay trailer

The newest video game tie-in for the aging Fast & Furious franchise is here. It’s been a long time since the original Fast & Furious film debut, and it has led to a lot of changes to the films in that time. And with that change came a bunch of video game tie-ins. Fast & Furious Crossroads is the latest in the game spin-offs based on car culture films.

The developer, Slightly Mad Studios, is working with publisher Bandai Namco on the ports for PS4, Xbox One and PC. The game tie-in for the ninth film in the franchise has gotten a release date. Fast & Furious Crossroads comes out for PS4, Xbox One and PC on August 7. And with that announcement comes a new gameplay trailer for the game. Check out the first trailer for Fast & Furious Crossroads down below.

The film, the ninth in the series, that was meant to release alongside this game has been delayed. Said film was pushed back from its original May 22 date to April 2, 2021. The delay comes as a result of production delays stemming from COVID-19. Though this has not been confirmed, it’s possible Universal pushed the release of the game forward to keep the train rolling for the Fast & Furious franchise in 2020.

The new gameplay trailer shows off some of the gameplay scenarios within the game that players will find. The gameplay shows off all of the fast action that people can experience. There’s not much to it in terms of pizazz or flash though. Being a lower budget tie-in video game, Fast & Furious Crossroads won’t have very complex graphics.

The physics look pretty basic, and modeling on the cars looks very rough. It’s clearly still in the works, so it could improve a bit. The voice acting is hilarious campy though, so that’s one bright spot in this visually dull mess. It’s kind of disappointing though, given that Slightly Mad Studios worked on the much more impressive Project CARS series.

The game features many actors and characters that fans of the film know well. Vin Diesel and Michelle Rodriguez are back, reprising their roles as Dominic Toretto and Letty Ortiz.

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