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Twisted Metal TV Show may be PlayStation Productions’ First Project

PlayStation Productions Adapting Twisted Metal

PlayStation Productions, the newly created production division created by Sony, may have their first project already in the works. According to ResetEra posts, sleuths have found some mentions of the project during the same announcement of the studio itself. The in-progress project was confirmed by Tony Vinciquerra from Sony Pictures during the Q&A portion of the show.

And now, gamers seem to have uncovered clues that the studio is developing a TV show based on the iconic racing franchise, Twisted Metal. Twisted Metal is a racing game franchise that dates all the way back to 1995 on the original Playstation. The game was very successful on that platform, but was largely shelved after that.

There were at least two sequels that had reached various levels of completion before being cancelled. The projects were slated to pick up from the sequels released for the Playstation 3 in 2012. These two games known as Twisted Metal: Apocalypse and Twisted Metal: Revolution, but the franchise has been dead on it’s feet since that last 2012 release.

The idea that the new Sony production house would work on an older franchise is pretty appealing, as it would probably be hard to sell a somewhat outdated franchise about destructive auto racing featuring mad clowns to another studio. The Twisted Metal IP is pretty much out of the minds of most gamers, even though it was pretty charming for what it was. But with studios snapping up properties like Just Cause for film adaptation, Sony probably wanted to put the petal to the metal and get something in production.

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Sony announced the new effort in PlayStation Productions earlier this week as an attempt to cut the middleman out of adapting games to TV and film. The company is being led by Asad Qizilbash, previously VP of Marketing Exclusive Games & World Wide Studios IP Expansion.  The announcement made it clear that this much more of a passion project than a simple and lazy cash grab. Sony promises to put quality and dedication to accuracy ahead of anything else in these projects.

And even though this is still very early days for Twisted Metal or any other project PlayStation Productions creates, it will be very enticing to see what the ambitious project is able to pull off.

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