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Hitman 2 content roadmap shows off new Elusive Targets and other content

Hitman 2 December Content Roadmap

The post-launch content plan includes a variety of content, both community-made entries and contracts developed by IO Interactive, featuring a whole variety of new targets to take down as well as variable conditions to earn different rewards for clean and creative kills. The current version of the plan kicks off this Thursday and runs throughout the month of December.

The first event this Thursday will bring five community-made Contracts to the game, each picked for quality by the developers. This first batch of content features a core theme, and this is all about “Occupational Hazards.” This pack will take place in different locales with assassination goals centered around some really creative use of construction equipment. I better see some references to those horrifyingly gory work safety PSAs here or I will be rather upset, or actually, maybe not.

December 13th marks the release of the returns of full Escalations to Hitman 2 with the launch of The Aelwin Augment. No details on specifics yet, but we’ll probably see more about this particular bit of content soon.

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On December 18, there’s a special holiday-themed content release which brings something new to the table, but developer IO Interactive is keeping these things under wraps for now, so this present will be a surprise.

The newest Elusive Target has you returning to Santa Fortuna to hunt down a rogue revolutionary on December 21st. This Target will be available for ten days, and players who complete it on their first and only possible try can win the Casual Tourist with gloves outfit.

The final Escalation of the month will land on December 27, Hitman 2 will bring a mission set in the exotic Santa Fortuna locale, and will be called The Turms Infatuation. Like all Escalations, this one will bring new targets to the map with challenging and interesting mechanics with which to assassinate them.

Hitman 2 is out now on the PS4, Xbox One, and PC.

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