Today, during a live stage event at Ani-Com & Games in Hong Kong, Bandai Namco had some new gameplay footage of the “Anime Souls” JRPG Code Vein to show off. Let’s check it out.
The trailer focuses on another new companion available in Code Vein. This time we meet Io who wields a giant halberd in combat, and is very deadly with said weapon. But she also has a ranged weapon for when the situation calls for it. Like all the other companions in the game, she has her own story and unique abilities, all tied to blood of course.
Check out the stunning and deadly Io in action in the gameplay trailer down below. We’ve already met Mia and Louis, so check out their trailers too. You should also take a look at trailers showing off special moves and combat. And there’s one for the multiplayer component of Code Vein as well.
Code Vein is set to launch in 2019 for PS4, Xbox One, and PC. Even though the game was delayed earlier this year due to polish issues, it’s still up for pre-order over at Amazon.