General Gaming News

Monster Hunter: World’s December beta is a PlayStation exclusive


A new Monster Hunter: World trailer was released this week to show off a new area, the dangerous Rotten Vale.

That horrible name is pretty appropriate, since the Vale is filled with the carcasses of deceased monsters, and descending through the locale means delving into ever more toxic mists. The big baddie shown off here is the Radobbaan, a massive beast that wears slain foes like armor, and yes, you have to hack off those corpses to deal damage to the beast itself.

Unfortunately, it’s not all good news for PC players. The game’s December 9 beta will be a PlayStation exclusive, and there’s no change to the news  that the PC version will miss the console editions’ worldwide launch on January 26. So PC players will have to wait even longer to sink their teeth into some Monster Hunter goodness.

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