General Gaming News

Monster Hunter: Legends of the Guild goes live in 2019

Monster Hunter: Legends of the Guild anime announced

Capcom has revealed an in-progress project relating to Monster Hunter. This new project isn’t a new game or update, but a new animated special themed around the popular franchise. Capcom is working with Pure Imagination Studios on the animation. Also attached to the project is writer Joshua Fine, whose best-known credit is Starz’s Ultimate Spider-Man series.

Capcom announced the project title, as well as released some concept art, we can expect Monster Hunter: Legends of the Guild in 2019. The animated show based in the Monster Hunter universe is a 3D series follows the story of a young man who is out to prove his chops as a monster hunter. When the village that he lives in then falls in line with the path of an approaching Elder Dragon, he has to fight for survival.

Monster Hunter Series Producer, Ryozo Tsujimoto talked a bit about this new special and said, “We are thrilled to return fans to the universe of Monster Hunter and expand the series’ rich lore. We think die-hard fans will appreciate our dedication to the source material while those uninitiated to the series will still be treated to an epic adventure in a wholly unique world.”

Production on the new series is on track to finish around December 2018, and to then release a few months after that. Capcom has yet to release any footage or stills from the finished product, but they did release a piece of concept art, which you can find below. We’ll update this story if we learn more.

In other Monster Hunter news, Capcom has revealed the final release date for Monster Hunter World on PC, as well as system specs. And Monster Hunter Frontier Z, that Monster Hunter MMORPG, is getting a new content update later this year.

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