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Microsoft Flight Simulator flies today on Xbox Series X|S and Xbox Game Pass

Microsoft Flight Simulator’s Japan update is coming soon

The biggest flight sim ever made has landed on a new port today. Along with all the current content and future updates, an improved Flight Training mode has been deployed. Here’s what to expect from Microsoft Flight Simulator on Xbox.

The big feature is these World Updates that allow players to experience an ever-evolving form of the digital world. Previous updates have added more robust versions of France and other countries within the digital world. And with the new push to consoles, Xbox gamers will get to experience the whole thing too. The developers have pledged to bring new updates to both the PC and console versions in the future.

That new Flight Training mode includes 22 training flights in various maps and conditions. Players will also get to see what various planes feel like in these conditions. The flight model is pretty advanced, so it may get a bit choppy. Improvements to the  Flight Assistant AI allow for better landing and takeoff assist, mostly help very new players.

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The games fleet of aircraft have been updated to be more versatile as well. There are Land Anywhere and water landing features added to most choices.

You can check out the launch trailer for yourself below. Microsoft Flight Simulator is available now on Xbox Series X|S and PC and is also available via Xbox Game Pass.

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