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Meltan makes chaos in new video for Pokemon GO and Pokemon Let’s Go

New Pokémon Discovered: Introducing Meltan!

A few weeks ago, a mysterious new Pokémon started appearing in Pokémon Go, and it caused quite the stir. Legendary professors Oak and Willow were featured in a trailer announcing a new legendary Pokémon in Pokémon Go and the upcoming release of Pokémon: Let’s Go, Pikachu! and Pokémon: Let’s Go, Eevee! on Nintendo Switch.Fans and gamers were pretty psyched over the announcement of the Metal-type Meltan. And with a new trailer today, there’s even more reasons to be excited. It turns out that Meltan can be caught in Pokemon Go and transferred to the Switch titles.

There’s a special capture mechanic in Pokémon Go that involves both new Research tasks and a special item. That special item is the Mystery Box. A Mystery Boy is obtained by sending a Pokemon from Pokemon GO to Pokemon Let’s Go, Pikachu! or Let’s Go, Eevee! Every once in a while, a player can open the Mystery Box and they will receive a reward. Some rewards can be things like Candies or other useful items, but every so often a Meltan will spawn. Once the Mystery Box spawns Meltan, you can then spawn and capture Meltan in Pokémon Go normally. Once caught, Meltan can then be taken to a Go Park when it can be transferred to Pokémon Go.

The Mystery Box will need time to reset though. So if you don’t get a Meltan, it can be reset manually. Players wanting to open the box again will need to send another Pokemon to their (or their friend’s) Let’s Go! game — each time they want to open the box.

Pokémon Go is available now on iOS and Android, and Pokémon: Let’s Go, Pikachu! and Pokémon: Let’s Go, Eevee! will be available exclusively on Nintendo Switch from November 16. You can check out the new Meltan-heavy trailer down below.

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