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Leaked version of Resident Evil 2 Remake removes Denuvo DRM

Resident Evil 2 Story Trailer

So it turns out that there may be a plan to remove Denuvo DRM from Capcom’s latest hit, the remake of Resident Evil 2. Denuvo anti-tamper technology has been a source of contention for many PC gamers, since it has often been believed to be the culprit behind tons of performance issues in games it protects.

Since Denuvo was introduced, it has fallen pretty hard though. From once being billed as the end of modern games piracy due to the protection it offered being difficult to break, to now being a target for many prolific cracking groups to break as a symbolic protest against the nature of DRM.

Some people will definitely be interested in what impact this removal will have. Whether loading times or framterate stutters some users experience are down to Denuvo is an arguable conclusion, and it will probably never have a definitive answer for every user, but that hasn’t stopped some people from wondering.

Now, it appears that someone at Capcom has inadvertently leaked a new version of the remake of Resident Evil 2, after apparently removing the DRM protection from the executable. The Denuvo-free version is based on the latest 1.04 game version and is around 170MB in size (the executable file with Denuvo is around 362MB in size). And with this new version the removal of the DRM, fans and pirates are celebrating the possibility of the controversial software being removed from another Capcom title.

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After all, the practice of removing DRM from games after the titles have been on the market for a while is already well established. Capcom did exactly that with the previous Resident Evil game, Resident Evil 7, so it stands to reason that they could be planning on doing the same with this game.

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