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Star Citizen: Around the Verse – Depth of Character

Star Citizen: Around the Verse - Depth of Character

Star Citizen is back again this week with another Around the Verse collection of segments, this time led by Eric Kieron Davis and David Haddock. Let’s blast off shall we?

The video package opens with updates regarding new weaponry and planetary environments. The developers are busy working on new planetary mappings, this time involving cave environs, containing their own dangers and secrets. Speaking of new weapons, one of which is a new long-range scoped rifle which allows for very versatile shooting.

The big focus this week however is all on a new NPC, Twitch Pacheco, a new criminal working out of ArcCorp and trying to carve out her own niche in the world of Star Citizen. She’s a new mission giver which really stands out, giving a bit more flair to the empty darkness of space. The developers are also using Twitch Pacheco as a test-run for the new hair and other modeling changes coming with the 3.5 patch. And don’t worry, if the underlying systems aren’t ready for the next version, Twitch will still get into the game in some form.

It’s not all good news this week though, as the team has to announce that the Banu Defender, a ship originally revealed in 2017, has had to be pushed back further into the development pipeline due to unavoidable issues.

There’s a lot more to uncover in this week’s ATV segments, check out the full video down below for more.

To see more Star Citizen news, check out some of the other Around the Verse videos, or maybe you want to see some more Squadron 42 gameplay. And even with the bad news about the Banu Defender, the teams over at CIG continue to work on planets, ships and new gameplay loops for the sci-fi MMO. There’s the Argo SRV still in the works. New character models for those who want a female avatar.

Check out the latest patch notes on the official site. The funding for the project continues to grow at a steady pace. As of writing Cloud Imperium Games has currently raised $219,262,318 from 2,254,870 backers overall.

Check out the most recent Around the Verse broadcast down below.

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