EVE: Valkyrie was one of the first impressive VR titles to appear on the Oculus Rift prior to appearing on the Vive. A lot of players who don’t have the fortune to own a VR headset have wanted to get in on the action, and now they can.
CCP has announced the Warzone update which will make the game playable on a monitor or TV as well as VR. Players using a normal screen will now be able to fight alongside VR players when the update launches.
Warzone will also be released with a price drop of $29.99 as well as content and features such as a new modular progression system, new maps, a new game mode called Extraction, and a new reward system.
Warzone will introduce a handful of gameplay changes to Eve: Valkyrie, according to CCP.
“Each ship within a class will have a more distinctive role to play in battle and all ships will be available from the first time a pilot enters the Clone Vat,” Willans said. “This new, open hangar will allow pilots to experiment and find the ships that best fit their playstyle within a few matches.”
The expansion will also add new weapons and abilities, “including powerful ship-specific Ultra abilities that, when timed correctly, can turn the course of battle.” A new modular progression system will also add new ship modifications with “unique abilities and meaningful upgrade paths.”
The Warzone update will be released on 26 September.