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Square Enix releases a collection of Just Cause 4 trailers

Just Cause 4 Decades of Action Trailers

We’re only a few weeks away from the release of Just Cause 4, and Square and Avalanche have a whole load of new trailers to get fans hyped up with.

This newest release of promotional material is a themed bunch, with each of the five trailers evoking a different theme. The five new trailers each encompass an era of action movies going back decades. The eras covered include the 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, 1990s, and the 2000s. If you’ve seen any old action movies from these time periods, or more specifically, their trailers, then there’s a lot of nice little references to see within. It’s pretty cool to see what each decade represented contains in terms of references.

And not content with just these action-heavy trailers, the developers also chucked another trailer out of the door and into the world. This other trailer, which can also be found below, is a live action trailer setting up some more of the story of Just Cause 4. This trailer is a bit more lighthearted than the others released this week, but it’s nonetheless just as absurd as we would expect a trailer for this franchise to be.

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Just Cause 4 is slated to release next week on December 4 for PS4, Xbox One, and PC. You can check out all of the new trailers for the game down below. Let us know in the comments which of these trailers are your favorites.

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