
How to get all dresses for Aerith, Cloud, and Tifa in Final Fantasy VII Remake

How to get all dresses in Final Fantasy VII Remake

The dresses are an iconic moment in the original version of Final Fantasy VII, and with Final Fantasy VII Remake, players are getting to take on the legendarily weird quest in a whole new way. The original version of the quest had Cloud going around the Wall Market, collecting various items to make himself look pretty in a dress so that the creepy guy Don Corneo picks him when choosing a new bride. It’s an incredibly weird and somewhat disturbing quest given how creepy the whole thing comes across. At least the creepy old guy gets taught a lesson in the end. And with the remake, teaching him a lesson isn’t the only reason to take on this quest. Unlocking all dresses unlocks the Dressed to the Nines trophy, and this is why people want to know how to get all of the dresses in Final Fantasy VII Remake.

Per playthrough you can only get 1 dress per character, so you need to play through the game more than once, and each time ensure that you get a different one of the three dresses to get the achievement. With that said, here’s how to unlock each dress, sorted by each character. And keep in mind that based on the choices you make in the Wall Market and what dress you put on each character, it could impact what dress other characters wear during the final segment.

Tifa Dress Choices

Tifa’s choices are based on the choice made during the Chapter 3 Wall Market Discovery Event. Do all of the sidequests in the area, this will trigger a purple discovery event in your bedroom. The choice for dress type during that event determines the dress Tifa wears.

Blue Dress – Do all Wall Market sidequests, complete the Discovery Event and pick “Mature” Dress Option. The other way to get this dress is to ignore all side quests and the Discovery Event. Beware the latter option though, as it will impact other dresses as well.

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Japanese Black Shiny Dress with Leopard pattern – Do all Wall Market sidequests, complete the Discovery Event and pick “Sporty” Dress Option.

Black Dress With Red Hairbow- Do all Wall Market sidequests, complete the Discovery Event and pick “Exotic” Dress Option.

Aerith Dress Choices

Aerith’s Dresses are based on how many side quests you do in Chapter 8. Doing all 6 side quests in Chapter 8 gets you a pretty red dress. Doing 3/6 side quests gets you a pink dress. Doing 0/6 side quests gets you a basic pink dress. Aerith will also make a comment about this in Chapter 8. If you did all Side Quests she’ll tell you “it will pay off later”, by that she’s referring to what dress she’ll wear in Chapter 9.

Cloud Dress Choices

How to get all dresses in Final Fantasy VII Remake

Getting Cloud’s dresses are the hardest to get, as you only want to complete very specific quests in each run to unlock a certain dress. The quest Burning Thighs will always be available in Chapter 9, be sure to complete this too. Check below for the full details.

To unlock the black and blue dress you need to do The Party Never Stops and A Dynamite Body side quests. For the white dress, you need to do The Price of Thievery and Shears’ Counterattack side quests. Each of the previous dress options requires you to do the Burning Thighs side quest. The green dress is unlocked by doing none of the sidequests.

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