All Star Tower Defense is a game that’s all about what it says on the tin. You control your units as they attack and defend a tower. It’s a very basic game, but it’s also extremely popular. As you train your troops for war, you can build more and more powerful defenses for your tower. These armies can be literal gods by the later rounds. You can use these All Star Tower Defense codes to get more powerful units and other boons in-game.
These codes are different from normal Roblox promo codes, so you will need to pay attention to how you redeem them. Each game may have its own process for redemption, which you need to follow. Check down below for the process to claim your codes. You should also check back at our massive list of Roblox Game Codes for more awesome codes for other titles.
The codes have been tested with the most recent version of the game, but sometimes we mess up. If a code doesn’t work, let us know in the comments. We will remove any invalid codes and place them in the proper list. ou can join their official Discord channel here for more updates.
You need to enter codes correctly, often as they appear below, in order to claim the prize. And no, you can’t claim codes more than once. Note that these codes are for in-game money.
Bookmark this page by pressing CTRL+D on your keyboard, and check back daily for new updates. Want more free Roblox items? Check out our list of various codes. You can get codes for Box Simulator if you enjoy smashing things. There’s also Anime Battle Tycoon the likes of anime fans if that’s you. If you’re a fan of pet-collecting games, there’s Collect All Pets as well. We have so many different codes to offer curious Roblox players.
All Star Tower Defense Codes (Valid)
These All Star Tower Defense codes are active and can be used for their rewards:
- changesjune – 450 Gems (New)
- ticketupdate – 400 Gems (New)
- allstarspring – 450 Gems
- newaprilupdate – 450 Gems
- astd1millikes – 1250 Gems
- superwoop – 400 Gems
- 1mgroupmembers – 800 Gems, 800 Gold
- themadao – 1000 Gems, 750 Gold
All Star Tower DefenseCodes (Invalid)
These All Star Tower Defense codes have expired and will no longer grant rewards:
- congratulations2kingluffy300ksubscribersonyoutube300k – New Tower
- ultramove – Ultra Capsule
- world2ishere – 300 Gems, 500 Gold
- world2comingsoon – 250 Gems, 250 Gold
- -astddevs: Redeem for Exp IV
- astdx2022 – 500 Gems, 1000 Gold
- merrychristmas2k21 – 1000 Gems, 1000 Gold, EXP IV
- winterbreakwhen – 250 Gems, 250 Gold
- KingLuffyFan200k – 100 Gems, 150 Gems, King Ruffy Unit
- SUBTOBLAMSPOT100kBOA: 100 Gold, 150 Gems, Ms.Love Unit
- december2021: 300 Gems, 500 Gold
- 100ksubnavyxflame: Redeem for 300 Gems, Ultra Koku Black
- eatlotsonthanksgiving: 300 Gems, 500 Gold
- thecityofangels: 250, Gems, 250 Gold
- igot2look: Redeem for 250 Gems, 250 Gold
- novemberupdate: Redeem for 300 Gems, 500 Gold
- anniversaryastd: Redeem for 1250 Gems, 1500 Gold, Exp IV
- goldgemgold: Redeem for 250 Gems and 650 Gold
- happyhalloween2021: Redeem for 200 gems, 300 gold, 1 halloween capsule
- navyxflameyt60k – Redeem for 200 gems and EXP III
- starshipway: Redeem for 650 Gems, 650 Gold, Exp IV
- robloxyay: Redeem for 300 Gems, 800 Gold, Exp III
- 4partyrocking – Redeem for 250 Gems
- wowshutdown – Redeem for 200 Gems
- longwait – Redeem for 450 Gems
- fruit100k: Redeem for 300 Gems, EXP III
- navyxflame80ksubs – Redeem for EXP III and Gems
- longmaintenance – Redeem for 450 Gems
- thursdayfun – Redeem for 250 Gems
- tacotuesday – Redeem for 250 Gems
- shutdownagaincode21 – Redeem for 250 Gems
- 2bcodeswagmodeblazeit – Redeem for 400 Gems and Mega-Rare Kakashi
- nooshutdown – Redeem for 400 Gems
- septemberupdate21 – Redeem for 250 Gems
- illbewatchingyou – Redeem for 300 Gems
- specialkingluffy100k – Redeem for 150 Gems and King Ruffy
- nowherescoredeal – Redeem for 250 Gems
- gamebreakingvisits101 – Redeem for 250 Gems
- Minishutdown – Redeem for 200 Gems
- mrworldwide – Redeem for 300 Gems
- theotheronecode – Redeem for 250 Gems [Must Start a Game or Join a Private Server]
- morecodeforyouxd – Redeem for 175 Gems
- codeofprisma – Redeem for 250 Gems [Must Start a Game or Join a Private Server]
- Codeoflight – Redeem for 250 Gems [Must Start a Game or Join a Private Server]
- listentothemusic132 – Redeem for 175 Gems
- howareyoutodaymyfriendo – Redeem for 175 Gems (NEW) [Must Start a Game or Join a Private Server]
- NAVYXFLAME4CODE – Redeem for 150 Gems
- fruitysubmore – Redeem for a Reward [Must Start a Game or Join a Private Server]
- 4thofjulyupdate – Redeem for 250 Gold, 250 Gems, and EXP III
- codecodeyayhooray – Redeem code for 150 Gems
- lateupdatendat: Redeem this code and get 200 Gems
- mytimerchamber: Redeem this code and get 300 Gems (Private server)
- incredibledayum: Redeem this code and get Gems
- bigtim: Redeem this code and get Gems
- likethegamepog2021: Redeem this code and get EXP III and 200 Gems (Private Server Only)
- updatebelike: Redeem this code and get 50 Gems
- epicnew: Redeem this code and get 50 Gems
- pert: Redeem this code and get 50 Gems
- rainmen: Redeem this code and get 50 Gems
- liketo320k: Redeem this code and get 150 Gems
- rwarhappynewyear2k21: Redeem this code and get 150 Gems
- roadto300kuwu: Redeem this code and get 150 Gems
- 2k20merrychristmas2k20: Redeem this code and get 150 Gems
- 2shutdowncode12232000: Redeem this code and get 150 Gems
- liketo280k: Redeem this code and get 150 Gems
- likethegamepog: Redeem this code and get 400 Gems
- 240kearly: Redeem this code and get 150 Gems
- decemberfun2020: Redeem this code and get 300 Gems
- nano150k: Redeem this code and get 50 Gems
- subtoinfer2x: Redeem this code and get 50 Gems
How to Redeem Codes
To redeem codes in All Star Tower Defense, click the Gear icon on the UI. This will open up the window to claim codes in. Enter the codes you want to claim in the Enter Code box and confirm it. After submitting the code, you will receive your reward. There, you’re all done and set to enjoy the game!