Warframe Guides

How to farm Karyst Prime Relics in Warframe

How to farm Karyst Prime Relics in Warframe

Karyst Prime is part of the new Inaros Prime Access bundle that deployed into Warframe today. DE has added two new Prime weapon variants and a new Inaros Prime variant too. Each one packs quite the punch. But if you’re not into spending the cash, there is an option for you. Instead, you can choose to farm the relics, here’s a quick and simple guide to farm Karyst Prime Relics in Warframe.

Karyst Prime is the new dagger brought in by Inaros, so if you’re into stealthy melee builds, this may be your new favorite stabby weapon. It’s also joined in the drop by Panthera Prime as a ranged weapon.

Karyst Prime Relics

When hunting for Prime Relics, you always need to know where to look. There are many different Vaulted and Unvaulted variants, and knowing the best spawn nodes for each drop is key. Let’s start our journey for farming Karyst Prime Relics by noting which Relics we want.

  • Blueprint – Meso P3 – Common
  • Handle – Axi B4 – Uncommon
  • Blade – Meso K3 – Rare

Karyst Prime Relic Farming

You can earn Relics from a variety of drop locations. Though there are some Star Chart nodes that are better than others. Most players choose to farm these nodes anytime a new Prime Relic set gets added. You can not only unlock the new Prime content for free, but also sell the Blueprints and RElics for some great Platinum.

  • Meso – Io on Jupiter. A Defense mission, With the Meso Relics being a good option after 10 waves. Complete 10 waves per mission and extract. You can repeat as many times as you want. This makes it a great squad missions nd a decent source for farming XP to level up new frames.
  • Axi – Xini on Eris. The B and C rotations on this Interception will drop an Axi Relic. This area allows you to farm Neo and Axi relics at the same time. Apollo on Lua is an option as well, defending all four nodes in a map guarantees and Axi drop. An Axi every five minutes is possible with a good squad, solo will be slower.
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Once you have your Relics, it’s time to crack them to roll for the Blueprints you want.

If you want a full guide on cracking Void Relics, we have that handy. Also, this is a great source of Platinum right now as everyone is farming them and trying to sell them, so prices will spike for a short time as there is also increased demand.

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