
How to do shotgun damage to an opponent in Fortnite Chapter 3 – Gears of War Challenge

All Milestone quests and challenges in Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 1

You might not think it, but challenges are pretty important in Fortnite. With all of the other quests and hidden locations, there’s a lot to find in this game. There’s also some old mechanics making a comeback. Epic has also introduced many different challenges as tie-ins for various properties. The Gears of War challenge is one of these. To unlock the special skins in this week, you need to finish off some specific challenges.

How to do shotgun damage to an opponent in Fortnite Chapter 3 – Gears of War Challenge

Shotguns are very common all over the map, so it shouldn’t be too hard to find one. You can use any variety of gun for this task. Maybe while you’re hunting for the marked concrete barriers to crouch behind, you can find one and shoot at an opponent. You don’t need a special shotgun to get this done, so just grab whatever you can find.

So unless you want to try and win the round, it’s a good idea just to deal some damage and not care if you get taken out. This might happen because the short range of the shotguns in Fortnite makes it hard to get in and not get seen.

So get out there and complete some challenges. In fact, this week has a ton of stuff to do. These mysterious devices can be hard to find, and kick off a quest chain. You then need to visit a giant statue, then destroy some signal jammers. There’s a lot to do in Chapter 3. And then, of course, there are the weekly challenges. We’re in Week 1, so the challenges are pretty simple.

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