
How to complete the Dangerous Woman Challenge in BitLife

How to complete the Dangerous Woman Challenge in BitLife

Time for another weekly challenge in BitLife. We’ve seen a lot of different tasks these last few months, and things continue to be bizarre, but still tons of fun. Players are asked to complete specific challenges each week for a unique reward. This week, we’ve got something called the How to complete the Dangerous Woman Challenge in BitLife. Players are modeling their digital lives after the success of Ariana Grande and trying to get a huge musical career.

The problem is, this challenge is on a very short time limit. You need to complete all of these steps in just 30 years in-game, that won’t be easy. The only way to get it done is to hope for good RNG and not waste any time.

How to complete the Dangerous Woman Challenge in BitLife

Here are all of the tasks you need to complete in the Dangerous Woman Challenge.

  • Be born a female in Miami
  • Become a famous singer
  • Have 6+ albums hit platinum or higher
  • Call off 4+ engagements
  • Complete the challenge before you turn 30

Being born in Miami is the first part of the challenge and you just need to either alter your character to be female and born in that city, or hope for good RNG. We also recommend making sure your character has very high Looks, as close to 100 at starting as possible. This will save you a lot of time later.

Becoming a star

From the outset, you need to focus on music. As soon as see the option in your Mind & Body tab, take Voice lessons. You need to be as maxed out in the green with the Voice meter to be successful as a musician in BitLife. You can first take these lessons at 8 years old, so be sure to do that ASAP. Having high vocal skill and a high Looks score is key to getting an audition.

Keep practicing your vocal skills each year and hopefully you’re as close to 100% as you can get before you turn 18. When you hit 18, you need to start looking for work. Go into the Occupation tab and click Special Careers. From there, choose the option to become a Musician. Choose Singer from the dropdown and try for an audition. Once you get lucky, you will be made a solo artist.

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Now that you’re a famous singer, you need to have six or more albums sell to a Platinum level, which means you need to sell 1,000,000 copies or more. This is a random event, but you can improve your odds with those good vocal and Looks stats. Getting a platinum album is a big ask all on its own, but  you’re taking things to a new level. Now just start making albums each year while you work on the next task. You need 6+ albums to get Platinum, so it’s going to take time.

Pop and rap have the highest potential to sell the most copies, so go with those genres when making albums. Release one album every 1-2 years and you should be fine.

Breaking off engagements

Now you need to find and reject love. You need to start dating during the process of becoming a musician. Since you need to break off four different engagements, this is a lot of work. Start dating by making friends and then choose to take them out. Ask them to start dating via the Relationships menu once you get the relationship into the green. Start making friends as early as possible with the intention of dating them in High School and beyond. Since you need to reject four marriages, you need to spend a few years on each one.

Date each person you choose to for a year, and then plan the engagement via the Dating selection in the Relationships menu. You will want to break it off as soon as you can for it to count. You’ll have to repeat this at least four times to finish up the Dangerous Woman challenge.

Once you have completed these four tasks, you will have completed the Dangerous Woman Challenge in BitLife. Now bask in your glory.

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