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.hack//G.U. Last Recode – Launch Trailer for PS4, PC

hackGU Last Recode Launch Trailer

Bandai Namco launched a new trailer ahead of the launch of .hack//G.U. Last Recode, coming to PlayStation 4 and PC on November 3.

.hack//G.U. Last Recode is a collection of the .hack//G.U. trilogy that was originally released on Playstation 2 remastered for current generation hardware. This release will allow players to revisit the in-game server known as The World, or experience it for the first time. The trailer gives a glimpse of what players can expect from the remaster, the trailer also features some side-by-side comparisons of graphics between the original and remastered versions.

Additionally, this collection will include a new volume, .hack//G.U. Last Recode Vol. 4 Reconnect, that continues the story and follows the main protagonist, Haseo, one year and three months after the events of Vol. 3. This new entry adds a bit of finality to the series as well as allowing players to spend a bit more time with their favorite characters.

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