
Get your spooks on with Pumpkins in Minecraft


If you want to get into the Halloween swing of things, you’re going to need to get a few things. One of the staples of the holiday are Pumpkins. From flavored treats to carved JackoLanters, the horrifying holiday is filled with all kinds of variations on the simple giant vegetable. There’s plenty of potential for holiday fun here with different decorations, just limited to how creative you can be.

Pumpkins are naturally generated throughout many different biomes and are sometimes found in village farms too. Pumpkin Seeds can be found from traders and dungeon chests of various kinds. All you need to do is have the seed planted and a stem will grow. You also get four of these when you carve the pumpkin, so how do you do that.

And here’s how you carve them. Well technically, you can’t actually crave pumpkins in Minecraft since it’s basically Legos. At least not with a knife, like in the real world. Instead, use a pair of sheers on any Pumpkin placed on the ground, this will carve a generic face into it. From there, you can also use a simple recipe to light it up.

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You actually just use the Crafting Grid like everything else in the game. To make a JackoLantern in Minecraft, you just need to put a pumpkin above a  Torch and the lit JackoLantern will pop out the other side. This is actually pretty good, as it gives off a similar light level to a torch at 15 blocks. Once all that’s done, it’s time to start decorating out your world to get going for the holiday.

So if you’re in the mood, get out there and decorate your game worlds with all the orange and black flair you can find. If you’re in the mood for more Halloween fun, and you happen to be Switch owner, be sure to hop into the new ACNH Halloween content too.

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