
Guide to Crafting Weapons in Going Medieval

Guide to Crafting Weapons in Going Medieval

Going Medieval is a massively complex game. From the simple premise of defending your castle and lands, you get a surprisingly deep gameplay loop. For the basics, one of the key areas to succeed in is crafting. You need to get on crafting weapons in Going Medieval ASAP. Having the bows to hunt with, and swords to defend homes with, is key to staying alive.

Crafting weapons in Going Medieval is vital to staying alive, but first, let’s talk about where to begin. Your starting lands are pretty important when setting up your economic and military efforts. You need access to basic materials like iron to power your forging. Site a village in a place that’s convenient for basic resources like wood and iron. When you have your village set up and the first homes built, it’s time to specialize. Villagers each have their own skills that you can hone over time. Giving villagers the tools to do their jobs is key, but first, some prep.

Preparing Weapons Crafting

To begin with in Going Medieval you won’t be able to craft any weaponry. Before you are able to get started creating weapons, you need to unlock the ability. Create the basic research table and start down the Architecture tree. Use the Research tab at the top of the screen to select research once the table is built.  Smelting and Wooden Weaponry can both be unlocked after this. Focus on Wooden Weaponry first.

What weapons to craft is pretty obvious. in the early game, you need to focus on basic necessities. Build the crafting stations to make bows and basic tools. That means you need to make the Woodwork Bench and the Bowyer’s Table right away. The Woodwork Bench allows the crafting of tools like the Cudgel, as well as wooden spears. YOu can make short bows via the Bowyer’s Table. Once you have some homes and those two crafting stations up, it’s time to get crafting. Press F2 to bring up the Production menu, and then place and build each building.

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Basics of crafting weapons in Going Medieval

When you have your basic crafting buildings up and running, it’s time to make some implements. When you want to make an item, click the relevant crafting hut and a menu will pop up. This is the main UI for controlling and modifying all your crafting efforts. Any jobs assigned here will be assigned to villagers when they have the skill and tools to do them.

When a building is selected, a list of Products will appear in the top box. Click the item you wish to make and choose the amount you wish to order. The job can then be assigned to a villager; having your most skilled workers handle crafting reduces the chance of losing materials to a bad craft, you can also improve the item’s stats such as damage and durability.

Materials Matter

When you go to craft an item, you need to pay attention to the materials used. This isn’t like real-world forging where the tempering and folding methods matter as much, but some choices have a big impact. Once you select a weapon to make and put it into the production queue, the game wants you to alter the item as you go. Select the production facility and add the weapon to the production queue. Now with the weapon in the queue,  hit the Edit button to alter the item.

From this menu, you can choose gold, steel, iron or another material to make your weapon out of. The better the starting material, the more useful the final item in terms of stats.

Aside from that, you need to also focus on upgrading your facilities. The more useful blacksmith’s forge can be used to create Bardiches and longswords, giving your town more bite when attacked.

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