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indie action title Double Cross lands on Switch with new trailer

Double Cross Switch Trailer

13am Games have launched their newest game, available now on the Switch and PC, and this latest bit of 2D action is taking a lighthearted action game to new heights. The developer is looking to have some fun with their latest outing, and with a port to the Switch, you’ll be able to join in on the go.

Double Cross places players into the shoes of a plucky member of Regulators of Interdimensional Frontiers and Technology, or RIFT, on a quest to put down corruption and evil wherever she finds it. You play law enforcer Zahra Sinclair as she travels across a variety of 2D levels to gather clues to piece together the events of a crime that has occurred. To do this, she must converse with other eccentric characters through the game’s incredibly whimsical and often rainbow-esque universe.

Double Cross also features a wide assortment of enemy designs to complement the chaotic and varied levels. Just form the trailer we see and eclectic mix of challenges, from a giant and fire-breathing dragon decked out in 1980s’ heavy metal style leathers, to a manic machine bent on destruction. And it’s probably safe to assume that these examples are just the tip of the crazy iceberg.

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Check out the trailer for the game down below. Double Cross is available now on Nintendo Switch and PC.

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