
Pokémon Go battle league leaderboards explained

Pokémon Go battle league leaderboards explained

Pokémon Go has introduced a full leaderboard system within its PvP mode, the various Battle League ranks. The introduction brought a new kind of experience to the popular mobile game. Each rank within the Battle League has its own restrictions, with higher leagues like Master having tighter restrictions and tougher competition. The inclusion of this system even offers Pokémon Go battle league leaderboards to compete on.

With the Pokémon Go battle league leaderboards, there’s a whole level of competitiveness to it that many players will want to dominate. With that in mind, here are some tips and ideas on how to game the system and move up the ranks. You can check the leaderboard between  8:00pm to 10:00pm UTC every day to see how you handled the previous day.

The leaderboards are a great way for players to see how well they managed to play at any point in the league. They will reset every two weeks though as a new League rotates into the active state. The rankings on the leaderboard come from the previous day’s in-game ratings for any trainer who has reached rank 7 in the battle league for that season.

Here are the stats that the leaderboard tracks for each player:

  • Teams
  • Rank
  • Overall rating
  • Total matches
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This way you can test out different rosters and movesets to see which one works best for you. Keep in mind though that the league rotation every two weeks will have new rules, so a roster from the previous league might need to be updated.

The leaderboard will be limited to the top 500 players in the world though. So unless you’re super competitive on this game, you may not show up there. Check PokemonGOlive.com for the details on this update and more.

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