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Dead by Daylight’s newest killer is cursed

Dead by Daylight Introduces Oni and Kimura Yui

The premier horror survival multiplayer experience, Dead by Daylight, has a new update today. And with that patch comes two new character choices. There’s the quick and capable Kimura Yui as a survivor. And the Oni, inspired by Japanese folklore. The characters are headed to the PTR soon, so keep an eye out. A new map called Sanctum of Wrath will also create a brand new hunting ground filled with terror for this fresh killer.

Dead by Daylight has made quite the habit of pulling from mythology and pop culture in the past. Each killer introduced to the multiplayer survival game has their own unique twist too. In the case of killers pulled from pop culture like Ghostface, there’s a more realistic feel to their abilities. But with much more mystical choices, things are a lot more menacing and unbelievable. And in the case of the Oni, it’s definitely more of the latter.

Both of these new additions have their own unique perks as well. The Oni is all about brutality and efficient slaughter. Their abilities are brutal and bloody, much like the source legends. Blood Echo will offer a great offensive choice as it will inflict multiple status effects onto injured survivors when hooking another. Zanshin Tactics will offer the perfect counter to the new survivor, making scouting traps much easier for this killer. Nemesis will also make tracking and taking down survivors much more effective.

The new survivor is focused on stealth and evasion, making her a strong choice for tactical players. Kimura Yui as a survivor can take advantage of her Lucky Break to make escapes easier when injured. Any Means Necessary adds the ability to reset pallet traps that have been triggered. Breakout offers a small speed boost when near other survivors, making helping out injured teammates a bit easier to pull off.

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Dead by Daylight is out now for PS4, Xbox One, PC and Nintendo Switch. Watch the reveal trailer for the new killer down below. Are you ready to face down this vision of horror and bloodshed?

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