General Gaming News

Warcraft III: Reforged delayed until January 2020

Warcraft III: Reforged announced as a full remaster

Warcraft III: Reforged, the remastered edition of Warcraft III, has apparently been delayed. In a statement, Blizzard wrote, “Though we’ve been working hard to get Reforged in your hands before the end of the year, as we started approaching the finish line, we felt we’d need a little extra development time for finishing touches.” Now after the delay, the game will be out on January 28th. So it looks like fans of one of the best classic RTS games will have to wait until 2020 to get their hands on this beauty.

Although that bad news is sure to sour some fans, but Blizzard has some things to make up for the bad news. The standard edition of the game is available for pre-order on the Blizzard Shop for $29.99. If you want to spend $10 more, there’s a special Spoils of War edition as well. The latter edition has a variety of different free bonuses available if you do pre-order Warcraft III: Reforged.

  • Champion of the Horde Thrall Hero Skin
  • Daughter of the Seas Proudmoore Hero Skin
  • Fallen King Arthas Hero Skin
  • Emerald Nightmare Cenarius Hero Skin

And that’s not all, as various other Blizzard games unlock some special skins as well. Here’s a list:

World of Warcraft

  • Meat Wagon Mount


  • Player Icons: Human, Orc, Undead, Night Elf, and Lich King
  • Animated Sprays: Footman, Grunt, Ghoul, and Archer

Diablo III

  • Mal’ganis pet


  • Third War card back

Heroes of the Storm

  • Anub’arak Hero
  • Jaina Hero
  • Thrall Hero
  • Tyrande Hero

StarCraft II

  • Alliance Console Skin
  • Horde Console Skin
  • Sentinels Console Skin
  • Scourge Console Skin

StarCraft: Remastered

  • Spoils of War Console
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ISKMogul is a growing video game publication that got its start covering EVE Online, and has since expanded to cover a large number of topics and niches within the purview of gaming.