General Gaming News

Superhot Team working with GameTomo on Superhot JP

Superhot JP Reveal

Superhot is an incredible and innovative little shooter that blends puzzle-solving and gunplay in a very interesting way. As you can control the flow of time with your actions, the player must use a combination of positioning and quick reflexes to take out streams of enemies within increasingly complex scenarios. The one problem with Superhot is that it’s a bit light in terms of actual content. Well a newly announced collaboration between Japanese developer GameTomo and the Superhot Team, the makers of the game, wants to remedy that problem.

The new project isn’t necessarily on expansion on the original game, think of it more like a themed campaign pack that introduces a Japanese look and feel to the game. Along with a new coat of paint, Superhot JP will launch with 15-18 levels, as well as three-four endless levels. There are some new weapons too, like a bow and arrow. This release will not change the actual art style of the base game, but will feature a redesigned menu and UI layout.

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GameTomo is developing Superhot JP with guidance from Superhot Team, and it plans to release it on PC, and PS4, and it will land first in Japan. It’s not currently known if or when this new addon will end up in the west.

Check out a few screenshots below.

You can find out more about this announcement at GameTomo.

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