General Gaming News

POE Legion League Ascendancy Statistics Released

Path of Exile Blight Expansion Announced

As is tradition towards the end of the league, we have more information on what Ascendancies people have been picking during Legion and this last round of content.

And as pretty much everyone knew, Cyclone was by far the most common skill in POE 3.7. The Slayer Ascendancy topped the class choice pile past level 70 due to the strength and ease-of-play of the combination, made these two too powerful to ignore in Legion. But the overall class choices are a bit more interesting.

Witch is actually the most common Ascendancy across all levels. with more than 10% of all builds using this class choice. Although since this includes all characters who didn’t even finish the story, it’s hard to draw many conclusions here. Slayer, Trickster, Deadeye, Berserker and Necromancer made up the top five choices for Ascendancy in Legion, past level 70 that is.

And in case you were wondering, yes, Grinding Gear Games is bringing Legion into the core game. This league will join the roster alongside reworks of Delve, Betrayal and other content in Standard. It’s unknown what skill changes in terms of nerfs are coming next patch, but most POE fans expect Cyclone to be a lot less useful next league, as GGG has indicated that they will be nerfing it, and the mechanics of Blight League look to favor ranged and minion builds. Interesting enough, the Ascendancy reworks teased in the Blight announcement suggest a pretty big focus on these archetypes.

With the upcoming launch of Path of Exile 3.8 and the Blight League on September 6th, things are about to get very moldy in here, but in a fun way. The best ARPG is now blending tower defense gameplay mechanics into the system of slaughtering monsters and piling up loot. Only time will tell how players react to this unique idea.

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