General Gaming News

Overwatch Anniversary Event leak reveals new Junkrat pirate skin and release date

Loot Boxes

Another week, another leak, and this time it’s all about Overwatch and the new in-game events.

According to the leaked trailer and other information, the new event starts on May 22.  Take a peek at said trailer below.

This new event is the newest annual anniversary event for the game, and the trailer showcases some of the in-game items that can be earned that are themed around the event. All of the usual suspects are there. New emotes and skins are front and center, with Junkrat and Roadhog getting the most obvious treatment. The new Roadhog skin for the event is pirate-themed, it’s a Junkrat pirate skin complete with sabres, an eye patch, and a prosthetic leg made up of a skull with glaring green eyes on top of a metal hook. We’ve seen the other skins before though, so not much to mention there.

If you log in during the event, you’ll get a Legendary Anniversary Loot Box, which will net you at least one guaranteed legendary item.

The video says that items and brawls from previous events will return for the anniversary event, but doesn’t give any more details, so we don’t know for sure if other skins from those shown are in the release, but most assume they’re will be more than we see here on offer. Last year’s anniversary event added new maps and 11 legendary skins, among other goodies, so we can expect similar offers this year as well. And don’t worry if you thought those Overwatch items from last year were too expensive, the Blizzard team wants to assure fans that they’re listening to your concerns, so that means we should see lower Credit prices this time around.

So all in all, this sounds like another fun event, what do you think?

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