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Dragon Ball Z Kakarot shows off Piccolo in newest gameplay footage

Dragon Ball Z Kakarot shows off Piccolo

So DBZ fans are getting excited over the newest game based on the wildly popular anime and manga franchise, Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot. The game follows the early sagas of the anime, apparently up to the legendary Frieza saga has been confirmed so far. One of the fixture characters of these early years is the powerful Namekian, Piccolo.

In the latest gameplay demo shown off for the game, gamers and fans got to see said Namekian in action against various enemies, as well as a hint of story development. Piccolo faces off with Tien and Chiaotzu in this footage. This fight never happened directly, but it does share some touch stones with the King Piccolo Saga, evoking one of the early fights in Dragon Ball.

The combat shown off for the game thus far shares a lot of elements with another Dragon Ball fighting game, Dragon Ball Xenoverse, as we see plenty of mid-air combos and fast-paced fisticuffs. The video also gives a look at several of Piccolo’s standard attacks in Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot, such as the classic Special Beam Cannon.

Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot will push the player to perfection in these fights too, so it’s time to take the weighted training clothes off. The game will grade your performance for each battle, offering different rewards based on how well you perform. We see as much in the footage below, but we also get a look at a cutscene involving Piccolo and Gohan.

Check out the gameplay footage of the game down below.  Piccolo gameplay footage begins at the 16:08 mark in said video if you want to skip to that.

Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot will release early 2020 for PC, PS4, and Xbox One

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