General Gaming News

Outriders demo receives first update, patches exploits

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The Outriders demo has exploded onto the gaming scene in 2021. Having amassed more than two million downloads since its limited release, the game is getting a ton of attention. There’s a lot to cover in this patch, so we’re giving you the broad strokes here.

In terms of gameplay, the patch for the demo brings a ton of stuff into the mix. Various adjustments to the core systems of the game are included. We’re getting some fixes for matchmaking and backend issues as well. “While the upcoming patch may help alleviate some issues here, we are keeping a close eye on the time it takes to matchmake and are continually investigating where such matchmaking is taking longer than it should,” says the team in response to player complaints.

Players also complained that certain mobs are too hard to handle. Captain mob abilities like “Healing Light” “From the Ashes” and “Phoenix Aura” will be nerfed in specific ways to make these enemies easier to take on.

There are loot changes coming as well. Epic and Legendary drops have been patched out from Stores and loot chests respectively, locking folks out of those upgrade pathways. Side quest rewards (on repeat runs) will now have a chance to drop legendary items instead. The developer points out that they want to refocus player efforts within the game on other farming methods, but that these exploits are not considered “to be within the spirit of the game.”

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Random bugs like the ability to see camera shake and other effects in cutscenes have been reduced or removed. Disappearing items and other gameplay-affecting bugs are being paid attention to as well. There are minor tweaks to frame rate output for certain items in-game too. The game will be easier to handle visually through these minor tweaks with a few less intense effects.

The developer also pointed out that they’re banning players for cheating, so that’s good.

You can read the full patch notes at the Reddit thread for the update.

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