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Watch Dogs: Legion online mode delayed

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Watch Dogs: Legion is a game that, as a whole, has not had the easiest time when it comes to anything to do with development or release. It was already hit with a delay in early 2020 past its original release date of March 6, 2020 for various reasons. Ubisoft pushed the game back to polish things up, and even put the Watch Dogs: Legion Online mode on a different release track. Now, we’re finding out that online mode getting delayed as well. Watch Dogs: Legion launched back in October, and we still don’t have the online version.

We’re more than a few months past the launch of the base game, and we still have no online mode. Watch Dogs: Legion Online was planned to release on March 9, but has now been pushed back to March 23 as a result of a game-breaking bug. It turns out that trying to tie the NPC systems from the main game into a fully online mode isn’t all that easy.

Watch Dogs: Legion Online is trying to be something better and more interesting than the base game. Aside from the basic NPC mechanics, there’s also  PvP mode being thrown in. There are actually two primary modes within the PvP space in the new feature. The mixture of both a basic deathmatch mode, as well as a robot battle mode, are being included.

Along with that PvP stuff, is another set of challenges aimed at veteran players. There are these new Tactical Ops missions that can be taken on as a sort of endgame PvE. Players can take their tools and NPC recruits into a variety of tasks that are meant to be much harder than the toughest missions in the base game.

And it seems that difficulty extended beyond gameplay, as the mode caused a total crash on certain GPUs. As a result, Ubisoft has been forced to delay the mode while they fix the bug. For now, the date has been set for the release of the online mode to March 23. Hopefully, they don’t run into more problems that get in the way.

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