
How to Enable Burst Mode in New Pokémon Snap

New Pokémon Snap releases for Nintendo Switch soon

Burst Mode in Burst Mode in New Pokémon Snap is a great way to burn through your photo reel. You can trigger this mode to allow you to take multiple photos per each button press. By default, the game only takes one photo per button press. You might want to do this when tracking Legendary  Pokémon in New Pokémon Snap, as well as any that move really quick. Some Lentalk Requests will require this as the ideal picture is sometimes hard to get right. Here’s how to enable Burst Mode in New Pokémon Snap.

How to Enable Burst Mode in New Pokémon Snap

The Burst Mode is a simple setting to turn on, and it has multiple modes. Burst Mode is a special feature you can unlock for your camera after beating the whole game. You don’t have to 100% complete it, just beat the main campaign. Once that’s done, the option will show up in the settings. You just need to turn it on. Here’s how to do that.

To enable Burst Mode in Burst Mode in New Pokémon Snap, start on any course, then press the + button to pause the game. Scroll through the top options until you land on the Game Settings tab. Scroll down that section until you see Burst Mode. You can set Burst Mode to take 1, 3, 6, or 9 pictures with a single shutter press. This will mean that many pictures are taken each time you push the relevant button.

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As of now, there is no way to take more than 72 pictures in a mission, so setting the setting to 9 pictures means that you can only take 8 picture series, maximum. Keep that in mind.

If you’re interested in learning more about New Pokémon Snap, you might want to head to our other guides on the game. We’re working on getting a bunch of Lentalk Requests completed. If you need help with those, check out that guide.

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