
How military deployment in BitLife works

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The previous week’s challenge in BitLife, the Belko Challenge, was pretty wild. This week, we’re heading into history rather than violent fantasy. We’re going into the annals of history to complete the Achilles Challenge in BitLife. One of the key parts of the challenge is to join the military of your host nation and complete at least 3 military deployments.

Like many other mini-games in this mobile game, there’s a basic side activity that you have to complete. There’s one here too. The mini-game you have to play through to complete a military deployment in BitLife is just Minesweeper. You have to locate a mine and place a flag on it. Each run of the game has a certain number of flags to place on mines. When you click a square, you will often see a certain mix of numbers appear on nearby squares.

The goal is to use these numbers to locate mines. Each number you see will denote how many mines are touching that tile in particular. If you see two on a tile, that means it’s touching two mines. So, if there are multiple tiles with one, you know that one side of those tiles is touching a mine. Keep in mind that the counts are based on both blocks diagonal to the block being centered on, as well as the ones directly beside it, or around it. When you have found a mine, hold on the space to place a flag on it.

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Each version of the game you see during a military deployment in BitLife is unique. Each one will have a certain number of mines to locate, and a unique layout of those mines. You will need to place all the flags you have to finish up the different games you encounter. If you mess up, you basically hit a landmine. You’re going to take a bunch of damage and lose a ton of stats. You could avoid the problem by click the desert your post option at the bottom of the mini-game window. You cannot get caught though, as it will incur some big penalties.

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