Sony just announced a new series of patches coming to one of their PS4 exclusives. Days Gone has received a free update, and will get more in the future, which introduce some very interesting new gameplay elements.
The big new addition significantly increases the base difficulty with a new game mode called Survival Difficulty which changes a variety of in-game aspects. For one thing, you can no longer escape enemies via Fast Travel. In addition a new immersive HUD will no longer show outlines or enemy awareness indicators. The HUD is even locked behind the usage of survival vision.
The series of updates also introduces a new gameplay mode to push extremely talented and experienced players to their limits. The weekly challenge additions offer unique rules and scoring modifiers that are a new thing for players to learn and beat.
With completing these challenges, players can unlock some ultra-powerful items to beef up their characters. Players who manage to play by these new rules and complete the difficult tasks will earn special ranks in the new mode. There’s some cool new cosmetic skins that you can trade these ranks for, as one set of rewards. The big reward comes with a set of powerful new rings and patches that offer amazing stat bonuses. Sadly, these rings and other gameplay-affecting boons are exclusive to the challenge mode.
Check out a trailer describing these features from Sony. This series of updates will include a total of 12 challenges over the course of June and beyond. Days Gone is out now exclusively on the PlayStation 4.