
Using perks in Deep Rock Galactic, and other basics

Deep Rock Galactic Basics

Anyone who has played Dwarf Fortress knows that dwarves love mining. And now you can do it, in space. Deep Rock Galactic is a new and unique game that takes resource gathering, combat and being a dwarf to new heights. You get given various tasks to complete, and must finish them by gathering ores, researching tech and other goals. Then, you can explore the depths of a rocky asteroid or planet, delving to your heart’s content. And that’s where the fun begins.

The rocky environs of asteroids and alien planets hide a lot of dangers, so you must be prepared. Players will encounter all kinds of obstacles and alien threats. Use this guide to learn more about how to play the game. With all that in mind, here are some basic tips to help you survive.

Use your UI

When you first load in, take notice of your surroundings. There are a lot of hidden dangers in the dark. Always try to listen as well. Aliens often make noises that signal their intent to attack. Pay attention to avoid getting ambushed. It’s also a good idea to read through the controls to learn how to best dodge and battle enemies. You will inevitably have to fight your way past some aliens. There’s also a chat function in-game that can help you communicate if you need assistance.

Pay attention to your mission parameters. Missions in Deep Rock Galactic may have different objectives, and you need to know what they are. Optional objectives can sometimes be a pain, but are well-worth doing. These special tasks can unlock additional XP and other rewards.

Be sure to explore

Deep Rock Galactic is packed with challenges for you to unlock, and many of these have very useful rewards. Completed challenges reward stars, which can then be spent on perks and other rewards. items can also be unlocked via challenges. There are other things to worry about as well. Assignment Missions are special classes of tasks that are vital to progress, do these ASAP.

One of the biggest reasons you want to explore all the nooks and crannies is for resources. In Deep Rock Galactic, resources allow you to upgrade equipment and promote your characters, as well as buy drinks in Abyss bar, acquire beer license and unlock Overclocks. If you want to seriously develop your character, you need huge amounts of resources. You can also unlock some perks in Deep Rock Galactic that will help speed this up.

Exploration gets hard if you don’t plan and communicate. Make sure to stay in constant communication with your team, if you’re playing multiplayer. Your weapons, grenades, mines, and other offensive equipment can hurt your allies. So don’t just blow things up all willy nilly. Make sure your team knows when you start blasting.

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Scanners and other tools are your friends

There are a ton of tools and technology you will use on this deep-space mining adventure. The various tools for requesting Resupply and moving around become vital for some of the higher difficulty levels. Know how to use them by checking out the Deep Rock Galactic Controls. If you find yourself stuck in an area, tools can help. Gunner’s Zipline Launcher is a great tool to have for when you need to get somewhere in a hurry.

Pressing TAB or M on the keyboard will bring up your map and scanner. This is the primary navigation tool in the game, and you’re going to be using it a lot.

Another useful item is the Laser Pointer. Press CTRL to bring up the Laser Pointer. This can help you mark enemies, resources and other important info for other players. But the real use comes with the M.U.L.E. robots; you need to mark things you wish to move with the Laser Pointer for robots to grab them.

Perks will also help a lot with the various challenges you come across. Perks in Deep Rock Galactic can be used to add new abilities to your character, and make them more resilient. You can equip perks in the equipment terminal in the central hub area. Your perk slots are in the upper left-hand corner of the equipment screen. There are two slots to use at the beginning of the game. Picking good perks that synergize with your playstyle is key.

Mind the gap

Paying attention to where you stand is key as well. Being able to see the area around you — and proper tool use to avoid falling to your doom, is a vital part of mining safely. Also, be careful not to stand under Supply Pods, they hurt if they land on you.

Pay attention to the walls too, not all the resources and items in Deep Rock Galactic are visible at first glance. The resources such as Bittergem, Compressed Gold, Enor Pearl, ERR://23cY%/ or Jadiz are hidden inside the walls and vaults of caves. Mining around the walls and other areas can help uncover lost items and rare nodes.

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