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Apex Legends Season 2 details revealed at EA Play 2019

Apex Legends

Apex Legends Season 2, the newest batch of content and patches for the exceedingly popular shooter, is something players have waited for since the game first debuted. One of the chronic complaints about the game is the lack of new content in terms of maps, playable characters and other additions. The new Season is called Battle Charge, and introduces a new hero as well as new game modes and gameplay tweaks.

Apex Legends is getting a complete rework of its challenge system with Season 2. Players will now have a much more relaxed pace for completing challenges, as timed challenges are being removed and replaced with a more casual-friendly system that doesn’t penalize a player for missing a login.

That 10th hero is Wattson, the rumored electric-based fighter that was revealed through datamining a while back. We get to see him in action, revealing some shocking new abilities that will be great for CC and area denial.

Along with all of this content, players can also expect some new skins as well, for both weapons and Legends. Some of the newly announced skins are:

  • Caustic: Prince of Darkness
  • Octane: Jade Tiger
  • Spitfire: Intimidator
  • R31: Iron Rampage (lv 100) and a gold version of the same

The second season will also see the launch of a new ranked matchmaking mode, with six total tiers of play. These tiers go from the entry-level Bronze up to the formidable Apex Predator rank. These tiers are all further separated into their own matchmaking sets, so this means Apex Legends players will be much more likely to find matches that align with their overall skill.

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Check out the full reveal of Season 2 for Apex in the video down below. There’s a bunch more details about the game and the new Battle Charge season to be seen, so take a look.

The newest season of post-launch content is set to begin on July 2nd, but EA and Respawn have plenty planned to keep players busy in the meantime. For one thing, there’s the new Legendary Hunt challenge event going on. Players who win at least 5 regular matches can queue for this special matchmaking pool, pitting them against all of the best players in the game right now. So if you’re looking for more difficulty when it comes to winning games in order to test your mettle, this is the mode for you.

Battle Pass owners are also getting some bonuses ahead of the launch of Battle Charge. These players will get the Honored Prey weapon, and Night Terror is a reward for reaching level 3.

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