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Check out the Gears Tactics launch trailer

Gears Tactics Launch Trailer


The Coalition, Splash Damage, and Xbox Game Studios have released the launch trailer for Gears Tactics. The new gameplay trailer teases some new gameplay elements and brings a bunch of new characters to the forefront.

The overbearing and insane tone of the franchise is there as well, as Gears Tactics is steeped in narrative. Set 12 years before the events of the first Gears of War, players will explore the events that led to the massive world-ending war and the attempted destruction of the planet. The new game brings a new cast of characters aimed at telling the story of humanity’s fall in the face of the Locust Horde. And with new enemy types and tons of Locust units on the battlefield, players will be encountering all-new challenges as well.

The gameplay is a pretty big departure from the basic FPS mechanics of the mainline games. Players will command their units to fight back the Locust, and between battles will upgrade each unit with new skills and stat boosts. There is also a loot-based system that allows players to unlock new gear for units that gives other boons.

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Check out the Gears Tactics launch trailer down below. The game debuts on April 28th. The game is due out for PC, both via Steam and Xbox Game Pass for PC. Those that pre-order the game or play the title on Xbox Games Pass for PC can get themselves the Thrashball Cole Character Pack.

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