Null Sec Sov Fights

Black Legion./N3/PL vs. CFC in 4-ABS8


CFC and allied BL., NC., along with PL forces skirmished in a string of systems on October 28th.

The battle started in 4-ABS8 and as it progressed spilled over into J-CIJV

BL, Nulli.and PL have been seen hunting together in search of good fights, quite a lot recently.  This was no exception.  A long term CFC presence in 4-ABS8 system in Pure Blind was the target of a coordinated strike from the opposition late Tuesday night.

With 4-ABS8 being within a few jumps of both highsec and lowsec, it has always been a system that people pass through on their way through certain areas of null. Pure Blind being right in the heart of GSF SOV, it’s no coincidence that anti-CFC forces struck there.

The fight began when NC. and PL forces moved into the system presumably from a lowsec staging point,  And as more CFC forces came on grid, BL was called in to help.

The fight kicked off when CFC and S2N forces arrived on grid with the J-C stargate at roughly the same time: the CFC Tengu fleet landed at zero, while the S2N Cerberus fleet landed at a perch. Reagalan ordered interdictor bubbles deployed between the two fleets to keep S2N from retreating to J-C, and his fleet maneuvered to the side so that he could warp on top of the hostile force. S2N beat him to the punch, and the fight started when the S2N Cerberus gang warped in on him at zero. Antimatter was loaded in the CFC Tengus, and the order to tackle everything was given just as the CFC Cawk fleet, numbering approximately 100 pilots, arrived on grid about 50km away from the Cerberuses. Heavy losses among the Cawk fleet ensued, as dozens of assault frigates charged headlong into the fire of Rapid Light Missile Launchers to swarm the Cerberus gang and pin them down. Another broadcast went out to CFC jabber services for a Celestis fleet under Lemba.

As the fight escalated and the anti-CFC decided to evac it’s forces, the battle was rejoin in the nearby system of J-CIJV when they were caught in gate camps.  With both sides suffering some major losses.  With several hundred pilots involved at the low end, the number and value of ships lost overall is a staggering more than 600 ships and  ~70 Billion ISK.

With all the changes in Null recently, from Kadeshi and NC. seizing former CFC SOV, and the BRAVE/PROVI war being called off, it was only a matter of time before someone tried to pull a mass op against the CFC to try and capitalize on their withdrawal from PB, Querious, and Delve.

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