Tindalos Interactive have announced that Battlefleet Gothic: Armada 2 has been delayed to January 2019. The spaceship battling sim will unfortunately miss it’s original September 2018 due to a lack of necessary polish and other underlying issues. And while it’s unfortunate for fans who were eagerly awaiting the game, these delays are sometimes necessary to deliver a quality product.
These couple of additional months of development will allow developers Tindalos to polish the game and bring all their ambitions to life after the great success met by the first game
The full announcement can be found over on Gamastura.
But at least there’s some good news in the form of another trailer for the game. This latest trailer focuses on the whole mess of factions in the game. The sequel boasts 12 factions plucked directly from Warhammer 40K lore, and it’s quite impressive to watch them all in action in this new trailer. Armada 2 features every faction from the original Battlefleet Gothic tabletop game, all of whom have been updated with modern fleet compositions and a new look. Check out said trailer down below.
Battlefleet Gothic: Armada 2 is due to launch some time in January 2019, coming via Steam at £35/€40/$40. Trazyn the Infinite has begun his collection anew, are you prepared for the horrors that await the chosen?