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Baldur’s Gate 3 Announced for Google Stadia, Watch the Livestream

Google Stadia

It looks like the leaks of Google Stadia were pretty on point. The $9.99 USD price point for Stadia Pro was correct. The Founder’s Edition bundle was also on point in the leaks. The streaming service includes many games, more than 30 on launch, with both free and paid tiers as well.

The big new announcement for fans of RPGs is that Larian Studios, the same team behind Divinity: Original Sin 2 is actually working on Baldur’s Gate 3, which expands the impressive story. You can check out the trailer for the game down below.

Swen Vincke, Creative Director at Larian Studios, had the following to say about the partnership with Stadia, “Baldur’s Gate means so much to so many people. It’s a great responsibility but I think we’re ready for it. We’re all about creating reactive, systemic worlds that respect player agency and having a chance to apply our team’s skillset in a universe as rich as Dungeons & Dragons is a lot of fun. We’re working very closely with Wizards to bring an unprecedented level of immersion to the realm of Faerun and I can’t wait to show the world what our team cooked up,” he said

In terms of other news about this great RPG franchise, Beamdog and Skybound Games are working to bring the classic Neverwinter and Baldur’s Gate franchises to PS4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch later this year. Larian Studios is also working with Logic Artists on Divinity: Fallen Heroes, a tactics game for PC.

Google is also bringing indie and AAA titles to the Stadia service, including The Division 2, Destiny 2, and many more. In terms of indie titles, 2020 will be stuffed with titles like Get Packed.

And speaking of Destiny 2, Stadia will bundle that game with all the expanded content, including the new Shadowkeep expansion, with the Founder’s Edition bundle.

So we already had a leak ahead of the currently ongoing Stadia Connect stream, which can also be seen below.

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