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Overkill’s The Walking Dead second playable character, meet Maya

Overkill has been working on their next game for quite a while now. Their take on The Walking Dead follows the formula of other games such as Payday 2, with it being a four player shooter and all. A few months ago, we got our first look at the game with the first playable character, Aidan. Then more recently we got a peak behind-the-scenes with a developer diary showing ongoing work on the game.

Now, we’ve finally been introduced to the second of the player characters in The Walking Dead. Meet Maya in the trailer below:

Sadly, it’s just another cinematic trailer meant to introduce the character, instead of the gameplay we all crave, but we’ll just have to wait a bit longer to see how the actual game is shaping up. What we can glean from this is that Maya is a medic who will act as a handy support during matches. Let’s just hope that Overkill can deliver and exciting experience after all of this waiting around fans are having to do.

The Walking Dead comes out sometime in Autumn 2018.

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