General Gaming NewsStar Citizen

Watch an hour of Star Citizen Squadron 42 gameplay footage

This evening CIG held their Star Citizen holiday live stream and the main event was a showing some footage of the single player Squadron 42.

The video takes viewers through a mission to demonstrate the transition between space combat and ground combat. This was to show how CIG plan on integrating the two and also how they want to tell a story.

CIG have been on a roll the last few days, from releasing new ground vehicles previews that are now for sale, to finally pushing Alpha 3.0 to the PTU for all backers.

But lets get back to what you really want to hear about, some sweet Squadron 42 action. Bear in mind that this is Alpha gameplay so there’s a fair bit of FPS issues and other general weirdness.

The video starts with a bit of introduction that details the various cast, characters and production tech driving work on the singleplayer portion of Star Citizen.

The player is walking through the UEES Stanton interacting with various crew members as the ship is on patrol in the Odin system. The ship environs look interesting, even though they’re pretty rough. We also get a few peeks at the dialogue and character choices the player can make throughout the game.

When we actually get to combat is when things really get wacky. While the visuals are cool, the gameplay is a bit dragging in places. One can only fly through so many junk fields before things get monotonous. Ground combat looked pretty rough too.

I will say, I hope CIG can strike that important balance of a cinematic feel while making a fun game. No one wants Squadron 42 to turn into a David Cage-esque mess of confusion. The story seems intriguing enough, hopefully it doesn’t get too bogged down in tropes.

Whatever your opinion of Star Citizen as a whole, I’ll say that Squadron 42 looks like it could be fun with enough polish and engaging content. It’s hard to say whether it will be the silver bullet of success CIG is gunning for though.

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